@article{oai:u-fukui.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029473, author = {加藤, 正隆 and 川村, 裕士 and 清水, 貴大 and 中森, あかり and 谷口, 義弘 and 鈴木, 秀文 and 吉田, 好雄 and 医学領域 産婦人科学分野 and Kato, Masataka and Kawamura, Hiroshi and Shimizu, Takahiro and Nakamori, Akari and Taniguchi, Yoshihiro and Suzuki, Hidefumi and Yoshida, Yoshio and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui}, journal = {福井大学医学部研究雑誌, Journal of Interdisciplinary Research of the School of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui}, month = {Mar}, note = {患者は 39 歳の初産婦であり,妊娠 11 週の梅毒血清検査結果は陰性であった。患者は妊娠 31 週に胎動減少と性器出血を主訴に A 病院に来院し,超音波検査により胎児の中大脳動脈最高血流の速度上昇および胎児心拍数モニタリング異常が認められ,胎児貧血による胎児機能不全と判断されたので,患者に緊急帝王切開が施行された。新生児は 1512g の女児,Apgar score 5/6 で出生した。新生女児の出生時所見では,肝脾腫および体幹部の紫斑が認められ,血液検査で貧血,血小板減少が認められた。日齢 3 に行った新生児の梅毒血清検査結果は陽性であり,先天梅毒と診断された。母親の分娩後の梅毒血清検査結果は陽性であった。梅毒感染リスクが高い可能性のある妊婦では,妊娠初期の梅毒血清検査が陰性であっても,妊娠中期・後期の梅毒スクリーニング検査を検討するべきである。 A patient was 39-year-old primipara, whose result of serological test for syphilis at 11 weeks of gestation was negative, came to the A hospital with chief complaints of decreased fetal movement and genital bleeding at 31 weeks of gestation. The transabdominal ultrasound of the fetus demonstrated an elevation of middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity, and an abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring was observed in cardiotocography. An emergent cesarean section was conducted on the patient because of non-reassuring fetal status due to fetal anemia. The neonate was a female weighing 1,512 g, with an Apgar score at 5/6. The neonate presented hepatosplenomegaly and purpura of the trunk at birth, and the results of her blood tests showed anemia and thrombocytopenia. The result of syphilis serology test for the neonate performed at the third day after birth was positive, and she was diagnosed with congenital syphilis. The result of maternal syphilis serology test turned out to be positive after delivery. Pregnant women presumed to be at high risk of syphilis infection should be screened for syphilis at the second or third trimester of pregnancy, regardless of negative screening results at the first trimester.}, pages = {39--44}, title = {出生児が早期先天梅毒と診断された梅毒感染未診断妊婦の1例}, volume = {24}, year = {2024}, yomi = {カトウ, マサタカ and カワムラ, ヒロシ and シミズ, タカヒロ and ナカモリ, アカリ and タニグチ, ヨシヒロ and スズキ, ヒデフミ and ヨシダ, ヨシオ} }