@article{oai:u-fukui.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029082, author = {坂田, 拓美 and 小高 , 知宏 and 黒岩, 丈介 and 諏訪, いずみ and 白井, 治彦 and Sakata, Takumi and Odaka, Tomohiro and Kuroiwa, Jousuke and SUWA, Izumi and Shirai, Haruhiko}, journal = {福井大学学術研究院工学系部門研究報告, Memoir of Faculty of Engineering, University of Fukui}, month = {Mar}, note = {Today, any information which is available on the internet is often used to attack servers by attackers. DNS is one of the information sources which are used by them. We propose a new possibility of guessing open ports from only the subdomain name. Subdomain name is a name for hosts, often named after the service running on them. It potentially means the name contains the information about running services which can help attackers to know how to intrude into the target server before sending out any packets to it. In this paper, we examined the possibility with statistical data and machine learning. We used fastText as machine learning model to learn linguistic relations between subdomain name and open ports. As a result, we find it possible to guess open ports from subdomain name by using machine learning.}, pages = {93--100}, title = {サブドメイン名を用いた開放ポート推測可能性の検証}, volume = {70}, year = {2022}, yomi = {サカタ, タクミ and オダカ, トモヒロ and クロイワ, ジョウスケ and スワ, イズミ and シライ ハルヒコ, シライ ハルヒコ} }