@inproceedings{oai:u-fukui.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029020, author = {Mitsudo, S and Takayama, S and Higuch, T and Idehara, T and Kikuchi, H and Fujii, Y and Chiba, M}, book = {遠赤外技術に関する国際シンポジウム, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Far Infrared Technologies}, month = {}, note = {The azurite [Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2] has diamond chain structures of magnetic ions Cu2+ and is considered to be one of model materials of the trimarized S=l/2 quantum Heisenberg chain system. High-field magnetization measurements have been performed on a natural single crystal of azurite under the pulsed magnetic field up to 40 T. The induced magnetization increased linearly up to the magnetic field of about 12 T and had a small bend and further increased linearly up to the magnetic field of 26 T. The metamagnetic transition was observed around the magnetic field of 26 T. Above the magnetic field of 33 T, the induced magnetization has a plateau of the magnetization about 0.85 μB/Cu2+. From theoretical results, the S=l/2 diamond chain system has three different ground stats, namely the no energy-gaped ferromagnetic phase, energy gaped spin fluid phase and no energy-gaped dimerized phase. The observed magnetization process shows that the azurite has a non-singlet ground state. The ground state of azurite is considered to belong to the no energy-gaped dimerized phase.}, pages = {200--207}, publisher = {Research Center for Development of Far Infrared Region,Fukui University}, title = {High field magnetization of di.imond chain compound, azurite Cu3(C03)2(OH)2}, volume = {2002}, year = {2002} }