@article{oai:u-fukui.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028967, author = {池本, 武史 and 黒岩, 丈介 and 小高, 知宏 and 諏訪, いずみ and 白井, 治彦}, journal = {福井大学学術研究院工学系部門研究報告, Memoir of Faculty of Engineering, University of Fukui}, month = {Oct}, note = {In this paper, we develop a conversation support system with virtual agents for socially withdrawn persons. In order to solve a problem of withdrawn persons it would be important to provide an opportunity for conversation. In this study, we develop a conversation system on Unity, which has functions to converse using chatting or listening while empathizing with the user, and to record the contents of the conversation and provide them to counselors and other supporters.}, pages = {37--44}, title = {ひきこもり者支援のための 会話システムの実現に向けて}, volume = {70}, year = {2021}, yomi = {Ikemoto, Takeshi and Kuroiwa, Jousuke and Odaka, Tomohiro and Suwa , Izumi and Sirai, Haruhiko} }