@article{oai:u-fukui.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028168, author = {田中, 秀一 and TANAKA, Shuichi}, journal = {福井大学教育学部紀要 第VI部 芸術・体育学 体育学編}, month = {Nov}, note = {The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in cardio-respiratory responses during walking and running on treadmill. Subjects for this study were 7 healthy active female students. Each subjects performed wa lk ing and running for 6 min with natural (W -N and R-N), shortest (W -S and R-S) and longest (W -L and R-L) step lengths. Speeds investigated were 60,8 0,1 00,1 20 and 140 m/min walking and 80, 100,1 20,1 40 and 160 m/min running. Oxygen uptake (V ,o)z heart rate (H R), ventilation (V E), respiratory frequency and step frequency were measured during the last 1 min of each exercise. The results obtained in this study were summarized as follows; 1). Average values of % Vo 2 max with shortest and longest step lengths were significantly higher (p <0 .05) than natural step lengths for walking and running. 2). Correlation coefficients between %V02 max and HR values were 0.922 to 0.943 (p<0.05)for walking and 0.741 to 0.903 (p<0.05) for running. 3). Regression lines between %V02 max and HR of W-N, W-S, W由L,R-N and R-S were equal (p<0.05) except R-L. It was concluded within the limits of this study that restricted walking and running were useful method for physical training on aerobic power.}, pages = {13--21}, title = {歩行と走行にみられる呼吸・循環機能の反応の違いに関する研究}, volume = {16}, year = {1984} }