@article{oai:u-fukui.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000188, author = {平田, 隆幸 and Hirata, Takayuki}, issue = {3月}, journal = {福井大学学術研究院工学系部門研究報告, Memoir of Faculty of Engineering, University of Fukui}, month = {Mar}, note = {Financial education in universities is now an important matter. Japanese government has been promoting financial education for all generations. “From savings to investment” is the government’s slogan. The questionnaire survey on financial literacy of engineering students is carried out. NISA (Nippon Individual Saving Account) is the Japanese government's tax incentive program for its citizens. The strategy how to use the benefit of NISA is discussed. Simulations of periodic and lump-sum investments were carried out by using Python. In this paper, I discuss how to educate basic knowledge of the financial system in university education.}, pages = {27--36}, title = {金融リテラシーを工学部学生にどう教育すれば良いのか -NISA の使い方のヒント-}, volume = {72}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ヒラタ, タカユキ} }