@article{oai:u-fukui.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000117, author = {Hasegawa, Takemitsu and Sugiura, Hiroshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, month = {Jun}, note = {Algorithms are proposed for the numerical evaluation of Cauchy principal value integrals ⨍^1_-1 ω(t) f (t) / (t-x)dt,-1< x < 1, with weight functions of Jacobi type singularities ω (t)=(1-t)^α (1+t)^β, where α=±1/2 and β=±1/2, for a given function f(t) and Hadamard finite-part integrals ⨎^1_-1 ω(t) f (t) / (t-x)^dt. The function f is interpolated by using a finite sum of Chebyshev polynomials. The present algorithms require O(N log N) arithmetic operations, where N is the order of the interpolation polynomial. It is shown that the present scheme gives uniform approximations, namely the errors are bounded independently of x, and is very efficient for smooth f. Further, we discuss approximations of hyper-singular integrals ∫^1_-1 ω(t)f(t)/(t-x)^dt,n≥3, and show their uniform convergences. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the performance of the present schemes.}, pages = {243--252}, title = {Algorithms for approximating finite Hilbert transform with end-point singularities and its derivatives}, volume = {236}, year = {2011} }