@article{oai:u-fukui.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000002, author = {佐藤, 良糸 and 田中, 愛子 and 細川, 康二 and 佐上, 祐介 and 川村, 祐子 and 松木, 悠佳 and 重見, 研司 and Sato, Raito and Tanaka, Aiko and Hosokawa, Koji and Sagami, Yusuke and Kawamura, Yuko and Matsuki, Yuka and Shigemi, Kenji}, journal = {福井大学医学部研究雑誌, Journal of Interdisciplinary Research of the School of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui}, month = {Mar}, note = {【背景】新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の流行は集中治療室 (intensive care unit, ICU) の入室患者の質を変化させた。その影響で,全ICU 入室患者の予後が変化したかを調べた。【方法】本研究は後ろ向き観察研究であり,2019 年 1 月から 2021 年 12 月までの期間に福井大学医学部附属病院 ICU で人工呼吸管理を要した603 名を対象とした。患者をCOVID-19 流行後と流行前の2 群に分け,ICU 入室期間や死亡率などを比較した。【結果】COVID-19 流行後の方が流行前に比べて病床利用率が低かった(44% vs. 54%)。流行後で,入室時の患者重症度スコア(Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score)は高かった(13vs. 11, p< 0.01)。ICU 入室期間に有意差はなかった (7 日 vs. 6 日, p= 0.06)。さらに死亡率は流行後の方が流行前よりも高かった(8.2% vs 4.0%, p = 0.049)。年齢,性別,重症度スコアを説明因子とした多変量解析から,患者の死亡率は流行後の方が流行前よりも有意に高かった(オッズ比 2.12,95%信頼区間 1.02 ‒4.42, p= 0.04)。【結語】人工呼吸を要する全ICU 入室患者において,COVID-19 流行と患者の予後不良とが有意に関連した。, The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly affected the health care system globally. In the present retrospective observational study, we investigated the effects of the pandemic on patients who received intensive care unit (ICU) treatment. We included 603 consecutive patients who underwent mechanical ventilation in the ICU at University of Fukui Hospital between January 2019 and December 2021. Patients were categorized into those admitted before (before-COVID-19 group) and those admitted after the COVID-19 pandemic (after-COVID-19 group). Results showed a lowerrate of ICUbed utilization in the after-COVID-19 group than that in the before-COVID-19 group (44% vs. 54%). The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores,severity of illness at ICU admission, was higher in the after-COVID-19 group than in the before-COVID-19 group (13 vs. 11, p < 0.01). Length of ICU stay was similar (7 daysvs. 6days,p= 0.06) and mortality was higher in the after-COVID-19 group than in the before-COVID-19 group(8.2% vs. 4.0%, p= 0.049). Multivariate analysis of covariant factors (age, sex, and severity of illness)showed significantly higher ICU mortality rates in the after-COVID-19 than that in the before-COVID-19 (odds ratio 2.12, 95% confidence interval 1.02 – 4.42, p = 0.04). The COVID-19 pandemic was significantly associated with patients’ prognosis, which suggests that ICU admission criteria used before the pandemic differed from those used after the emergence of this global health emergency}, pages = {7--12}, title = {新型コロナウイルス感染症流行が人工呼吸を要する集中治療室入室患者の予後におよぼす影響}, volume = {24}, year = {2024}, yomi = {サトウ, ライト and タナカ, アイコ and ホソカワ, コウジ and サガミ, ユウスケ and カワムラ, ユウコ and マツキ, ユウカ and シゲミ, ケンジ} }