@article{oai:u-fukui.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019747, author = {長谷川, 智子 and 竹田, 千佐子 and 月田, 佳寿美 and 白川, かおる and HASEGAWA, Tomoko and TAKEDA, Chisako and TSUKIDA, Kazumi and SHIRAKAWA, Kaoru}, issue = {1-2}, journal = {福井医科大学研究雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {As foreign visitors and immigrants increase in Japan, medical professionals are increasingly exposed to patients from diverse cultures. The purpose of this study was to describe correspondence by medical facilities and nurses to patients who originated from outside Japan (foreign patients). A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 1,090 nurses through mailings to six hospitals, and subsequently returned to the researchers by mail. The nurses were asked to answer questions about personnel taking care of and language corresponding to foreign patients, levels of confidence and concerns when they provide care to foreign patients, care points for foreign patients, and personnel corresponding to medical cost problems. A total of 1,024 nurses ( 14 males 1,003 females and 7 unknown) answered the questionnaire. Their average age was 31.7 years (SD=8.8), and length of nursing career was 9.6 years (SD=8.4). More than 50% of the nurses answered that there were personnel capable of corresponding to foreign patients in English; however, only a few nurses said that there were personnel capable of speaking other languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, or Korean. More than 50% of the nurses had been in charge of foreign patients. Most nurses had very low confidence in providing nursing care to foreign patients because of a lack of language ability and knowledge of other cultures. In addition, many nurses indicated that they take communication and informed consent into high consideration when they provide nursing care to the foreign patients. In conclusion, many nurses were exposed to culturally diverse patients but without sufficient preparation for providing nursing care to such patients. To increase nurses' confidence and improve foreign patient care, understanding of and preparations for culturally diverse populations are necessary for medical professionals.}, pages = {49--55}, title = {医療機関における在日外国人患者への看護の現状}, volume = {3}, year = {2002} }